Sunday, January 29, 2006

Doco: Making It Simpler For The End User


Two disparate sources of documentation for Ubuntu have emerged over the last two years - the official Ubuntu documentation, including the official Ubuntu Wiki, and the
Customization Tips & Tricks forum on the official Ubuntu Forums. Although the forum has served its initial purpose, on its own, it is an unmanageable documentation facility. Hence, under the direction of two forum admins, the Ubuntu Document Storage Facility (UDSF) was born to organise and collate the contents of the forum.

Different Projects, Same Goals

Understandably, the UDSF admins are proud of their site and have put in a great deal of their time into setting the wiki up. But what they have done is duplicate an existing official mechanism, the Ubuntu Wiki.

Ubuntu is a very open community, if you feel something needs to be improved, put your hand up then lend a hand. The Ubuntu Wiki needs the help of those involved with the UDSF to help restructure it into a lean mean doc machine.

Promotion of the UDSF

Several influential Ubuntu Forums staff actively promote the UDSF as a source of information in their post signatures, with no accompanying references to the Ubuntu Wiki. Promotion by the Ubuntu Forum staff has two negative effects:
  1. Ubuntu Forums staff became staff members because they answer the most questions, therefore their avid promotion of an unofficial documentation source without the dual promotion of the official source creates confusion amongst impressionable new users seeking help
  2. The UDSF, indirectly, supports the continuation of the unmanageable documentation created within the Customization Tips & Tricks forum
The Official Ubuntu Forums admins and the UDSF admins have been invited to a joint meeting with the Ubuntu Documentation team to open formal dialogue about integrating better with the Official Ubuntu community. The invitation was also posted in the forums and personally sent to each of the interested parties.

Ubuntu Wiki vs Customization Tips & Tricks Forum

I have stated multiple times that the Customization Tips & Tricks forum is unmanageable without an additional service. Any additional services, be it the UDSF or a team that copies the posts straight into the Ubuntu Wiki, is an unneccessary overhead to producing documentation.

Forum posts are static and are only good for static communication, like asking questions, not for providing quality documentation. The current support mechanism for the shortcomings of the forum posts, the UDSF, is privately run and has a scheduled downtime of 6 hours each week.

Let commonsense prevail, create your documents in the Wiki and discuss the document on the Forums. Issues of licensing and archiving will become non-existant. The guidelines for creating new wiki pages are just guidelines, that is the reason for using a wiki, documents are corrected and kept up-to-date because of constant public peer review.


I became an Ubuntu Member this week at the last Community Council meeting that was held. Many thanks to Jorge Castro for his positive blogging about my work. As a result of my membership, I have joined the Ubuntu Documentation & Wiki teams, and began contributing to the Ubuntu Desktop Starter Guide for the upcoming Dapper Drake release.

I nutted out the appropriate keymappings for my SonyEricsson K750i to remote control beep-music-player via Bluetooth as a continuation of the work carried out at 2006. It looked really cool when I demo'd it at HUMBUG last night and I will document the steps in the next few weeks on the Wiki. I am in contact with the GBTcr guy as well to get that promising app running on Ubuntu. Also watch the Ubuntu Wiki in the coming weeks as I await the results of a guy I helped to setup his mobile phone as a modem via Bluetooth. An overhaul of the Bluetooth doco is on the horizon..

Keeping along with my focus for Ubuntu being a premier choice for business desktops, we should also "keep up with the Jones'" in the kickass department. A strong focus from the Ubuntu community on documenting how they've made Ubuntu really rock (I had to use that word) by getting it to do awesome things, eg. Bluetooth remote control, could make Billy G's keynote address (video) (transcript) at last year's CES seem laughable.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Life As A Linux/Unix Admin In A Linux/Unix World


The catalyst for the writing of this post is the forum post -
Life as a Linux/Unix admin in a Windows world - and the fiery reply by the user 'broom'.

In the company I work for, Windows PCs would account for around 5% of the user desktops and the number of Windows Servers could be counted on one hand (with no thumb and two fingers missing). Solaris is heavyweight champion of our world, however, Linux is up on points in the early rounds for the battle of the desktop.

It has been my focus over the last 4 months to migrate our rock-solid Solaris 8 CDE user environment to an Ubuntu Breezy Badger GNOME user environment. Other desktops that were tried included Solaris 10 Java Desktop System 2 (GNOME), SUSE 9 and Fedora Core 3 & 4, with Ubuntu coming out the winner on functionality and stability. The desktop OSes also had to run SunRay Server Software (SRSS). Part of the success for the lack of Windows relies on the use of SunRay Thin-Clients.

Although the author of the article mentioned above paints the picture that he was/is in the warzone against Windows admins and how Linux was superior in a number of areas, working in the environment I work in isn't the Utopia that he seems to paint..


The argument of having support contracts when you already have experienced admins is baseless. Although the author of the article brags about how he doesn't need support contracts for his Linux servers and uses the support on Windows servers as a point to undermine the admins, I think the amount of time to have issues resolved is greatly increased.

Support contracts are there as a backup and do not make the admins look incompetent. We have Sun support contracts for all of our production servers and have had to put calls through on multiple occasions when errors appear in the messages file that look suspicious and a google search does not find the answer for. In contrast, when multiple bugs have occurred on the new Ubuntu desktops, the onus rests completely with me to log bug reports and work on the fixes.

The open source community is great for helping each other out, however, most are not paid to sit in front of the bug management systems 8-hours a day/5 days a week and as a result there can be long delays in getting issues fixed or not fixed at all. Although I will aim to start working on bugs more at work, I find myself logging all the bugs at home in my own time, because of the amount of time it consumes. Convincing my boss to purchase a support contract on the Ubuntu desktop through Canonical is also going to be tough as the driving reason behind the migration was that it was "free".

Windows v Everything Else

I would say that Linux as a business desktop, in principle, far outweighs the cost and the insecurities of an equally-locked down Windows desktop. Running Linux over a thin-client architecture and setting up Windows servers to serve applications via rdesktop or Sun's Secure Global Desktop can get around the compatibility arguments.

The current situation still needs greater improvements.. Evolution needs to be made more stable and needs to integrate better with major email servers, OpenOffice shouldn't blackout the corner of the desktop on large spreadsheets, etc, etc.. The principle of having a locked down GNOME 2.12 desktop looks great on paper, but I feel there are a few more versions to go before it is rock-solid. The rock-solid achievement will be hard to attain given that GNOME is constantly changing it's suite of apps in each version and it has a lack of super strict rules for letting new additions in.

I will continue to support that a Linux thin-client desktop is a better alternative to running Windows on PCs, however, I would really like to say that it is a rock-solid alternative to Windows.

'broom's Reply

The more I network and talk with Linux/Unix professionals, the more I find that there are a large-number of narcissistic 'bettermen' out there, out to prove the point that they work on bigger and better things and earn more cash than you do. I think it is OK to list your experiences and what you work on, but don't then use it to start off a penis-size competition.

Penis competition aside, I do whole-heartedly agree that mouthing off all the time about how wonderful Linux is will set the author up for a big fall. Just like riding a motorbike, almost every rider falls off once. Along with the aggressive boasting about Linux, going behind your bosses back to his superior is just plain unprofessional and, in my eyes, makes him look like another stupid tech-head with no business skills. Gone are the days when propellerheads could hack away on Linux/Unix boxes in a locked room, IT dudes must also be able to act as part of the business world as well, I learn this more each day.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Unix User Group = A Unique Microcosm


After having a work colleague in my ear all the time about going along to the Unix user group that he attends, I finally decided to not only have a look, but to also join the group. Twenty bucks and a form later, I am now a card-carrying member of HUMBUG - Home Unix Machine Brisbane Users Group. Card-carrying proof:

The main reasons for joining are to network with other Unix professionals, advocate Ubuntu, help out new and potential Ubuntu users and, most importantly, I joined up for the chicks.

The First Hour

Being the first time I have ever stepped into a classroom at UQ, I made a mistake of just remembering the number of the room. I had the right building and the right floor, but there were multiple 201 rooms.. The lettering scheme didn't quite seem to make sense either.

When I rocked up to the correct room, there were two guys sitting well apart from each other both seeming quite happy to sit there in silence. The room lacked any insignia

and even the multiple switches that were strategically placed around the large room seemed to blend into the decor. "Is this Humbug?" I asked one of the gentlemen, then after receiving an affirmative answer, I just started rambling on about how I work with the guy who usually comes to these meetings, etc, etc. The group secretary stops me from continuing by saying that the other guy is new and doesn't seem to care who I know..

After handing over the money and forms, I get to business on starting to log some more Ubuntu bugs. During the setup, I get started on configuring my machine to pick up the dhcp and have no luck with a half-assed attempt at trying to connect to the WLAN that was available. I wouldn't mind writing some doco for members on how to get the right settings for all the available services, perhaps a wiki if it fits in with the ideologies of the group. I lurve doco.

During working on the laptop a few discussions have started off very quickly and everyone has a general good amount of respect for each other with some interesting points being raised. During the first hour, a chap from Kingaroy had arrived to chat about Linux and get some general help. Kingaroy, although it sounds like an awesome name for a multinational conglomerate, is a small country town that is 3 hours drive from Brisbane. Kingaroy even has it's own LUG (Linux User Group).. It was very interesting to see how far somebody would come to get to the meeting.

The Centre-Of-Attention Discussion

About two and a half hours into the meeting, I was running from computer to computer helping out two different guys with their Debian systems, trying to get one guy's EPSON printer working through CUPS and another guy's apt-get services working through the proxy at the meeting.

On Saturday night I had plans to go out and have a few beers with some mates, so I had to cut the night short, real short.. My problem was that I was loving the whole "oh do you use a Unix-based OS? get out of town, so do I" environment so much that I would easily be speaking to somebody, then mid-sentence I would start helping somebody out with their problem, then start talking to somebody halfway through the problem. Basically, quality of work and quality of teaching had declined because I had to go elsewhere. I have learnt the lesson of only helping one person at a time, if possible. It would not have been as bad as it was if I was staying on, but I wasn't.

During my frantic bashings at a keyboard, a guy with no PC next to him was lying back nonchalantly across a few tables and proclaimed that he does not think that Linux has a place on the desktop market. People who work with me would know that's a really good way to fish me in for an argument. I am a very passionate proponent of replacing Windows the world over with Ubuntu both at home and in the workplace. It can be done.

What had followed was me proclaiming back at him that I completely disagree with what he had just said. My vocalness and the fact that his group of surrounding yesmen had not offered one retort left me in bad position with the status quo. I had disagreed with a little aggressive-assertiveness with a loud clear voice. It was the Good, the Bad and the Ugly - high noon. I am certain at least one of these goes down at every meeting at every UUG/LUG about something. I was also without backup as my work colleague did not attend and I was attending my first night, so nobody would have any standings on whether they believed my ramblings or not.


The argument was somewhat of a farce with his winning point being about the fact that if it didn't run MindJet, it would not work in the desktop market. He won because it was going nowhere and the fact that I hadn't heard of MindJet before had worked to lessen my perceived level of general IT knowledge. I asked attentatively if he could briefly outline what it was about, etc. during which it sounded like another wanky-buzzword management tool. He would be classed as a MindJet advocate.. He went on to tell me and the rest of the room of how it helps him out for his line of work which did make it sound useful.

After researching MindJet, I would have to come close to saying that it does seem to be classed as a killer app for business and it could easily be used in the home. However, during the debate, somebody had asked the other guy about Freemind, which he had stated that it was terrible with the yesmen collectively nodding their heads to. Open source apps always start off terribly, especially something as big as Freemind, that's why people collaborate and work on such projects. I am certain that Freemind would have some financial backing and it would be in line for alot more. This is a definate "watch this space" project.

So-called Linux desktop killers like MindJet and AutoCAD do not have the potential to stop the ever-increasing momentum for large-scale Linux desktop rollouts. Solutions currently exist for a central Windows server to serve out applications to Linux desktops via Citrix or the now freely-available Sun Secure Global Desktop (formely Tarantella). The rdesktop package could also provide the required access to Windows apps. In regards to AutoCAD, it has been noted that it cannot be run over Citrix, but that doesn't mean that other innovative solutions do not exist for it be shared for users in thin-client environments.


The opportunity to interact with the pro-Unix userland in person is a great experience and would be a great experience for users of all skill levels and interests. The flipside is that it can be likened to a real-life IRC room, with hidden hierarchies and cliques outside of the executive. I do enjoy confrontation on an academic level and I am looking forward to the next meeting. I would even like to convene a talk on why I think Linux can make it on the desktop and then hear his reasons on why he thinks it can't - instead of the ad hoc one-sided discussion that had taken place. Keep in mind that this was my first meeting, it would be unadvantageous for my cause to speak over somebody who's opinions were being followed by at least a few people and questioned by none.


My flatmate had returned from her gallivantings around the South African countryside with the following gift:

and pictured on the front are..

Ubuntu Beads!!!

No, these are not Canonical-sponsored beads, they are Ubuntu beads.. The Ubuntuness gets better with the description on the back:

"The Ubuntu beads are a symbol of the spirit in which Wild Africa Cream is created. Ubuntu embraces the African tradition of goodwill and sharing between people."

It figures too - it's quite a nice drink..

Wednesday, January 11, 2006 2006 - Brisbane

Quick Facts
  • IT Dude
  • Injured back at the gym
  • Doctor's orders - no alcohol for the weekend
  • Flatmates were away for the weekend
  • Multiple kickass IT projects to complete

I began on Friday afternoon by unloading my car filled with goodies and converted the dining room into nerd central. Whilst setting up, the following had transgressed:

  • took my shirt off - 'IT guys are so hot!!' - Paris Hilton
  • started blogging the weekend
  • made sure that the music was pumping out of my laptop
  • put the rug down infront of the table to protect the carpet for my office chair
  • relocated my speakers to the table
geek setup pics..

Oh what's that in the background, oh that's the view from

COMPLETED - 1837 - 20060106

Bluetooth Remote Control

The time between between me reading about this setup and me buying a bluetooth adapter for my laptop was 10hrs, 1hr if you don't include the time I worked today.. This was a seriously 'fully sik bro'(tm) project that I looked forward to not getting to work.

Inside this large box is..

my new bluetooth adapter..

Everything underneath the adapter can go in the bin (windows drivers, warranty (fingers crossed), regulatory compliance notices, etc).

Next step was to check out the BluetoothSetup page on the Ubuntu wiki. Albeit, a generally OK wiki, I did hit a sticking point that I should not have had to, sudo hidd --search would not pick up my phone (which is HID-compliant). I will further research my shortcomings with this section of the page and edit it. Even though this section did not work, I did try hcitool scan which indeed confirm that I haven't purchased a dud.

After confirming the underlying protocol stack was working, I tried my hand at GBTcr. What a challenge that was. After spending hours debugging Makefiles and the configure script, try running the following command prior to following the instructions contained on the site:

sudo apt-get install libbluetooth1-dev libsdp2 libsdp2-dev g++ xmms-dev cvs gnome-bluetooth libgnomeui-dev libbtctl2-dev libgnomebt0-dev libxtst-dev

* Minor gripe: The problem with a fair portion of the documentation out there on installing from source is that the developer forgets the fact that they have already have installed a gazillion development packages prior to testing their installation instructions. Developers need to perform a clean install of their package onto a clean installed OS - this has been made alot easier with the VMWare player. The VMWare Player allows users to run a pre-created VMWare image, such as the Ubuntu image and is free of charge.

Part of the experience of getting GBTcr to run was understanding configure and Makefile errors alot better. In a very high level way of describing things, if the Makefile complains that it cannot find a file named config.status (/bin/sh: ./config.status: No such file or directory), it is a good chance that the configure script that was run prior to make did not fully complete and exited earlier without providing an accurate error message on the command line. The creation of the config.status file is usually the last step of the configure script. Debugging can be performed by looking at the last line that was output by the configure script inside the config.log file, in my case it was 'checking for GNOME'. Inside config.log, I had discovered that the configure script had bombed out because of the following error:

Package libgnomeui-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `libgnomeui-2.0.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'libgnomeui-2.0' found

Basically what this had meant was that the configure script could not find the libgnomeui-2.0.pc file on my system. The best way to obtain this file is to search for the file in the Ubuntu packages site to identify which package you need to install. The package required is usually a similarly-named dev package. On my last error that I received on trying to make GBTcr, I was lucky to put the right string into the Ubuntu packages search box. The make command had failed with "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lXtst". I had just searched for a package named Xtst and then installed the dev package.

Now it was time to run GBTcr, yay! I tried to follow the instructions posted with no luck connecting back to the PC. Basically my "Accessories" menu remained grey and I was not prompted on my phone to authenticate back to the PC to control it. My phone is a Sony Ericsson K750i (w/2 mpixel camera!) which differs from the phone Herman Vega had used to document GBTcr, a Sony Ericsson T610. To get to the Accessories menu on a K750i, go to the menu, Settings, across to the Connectivity tab, then down to Accessories.

The only way I managed to initially connect to the phone was to run GBTcr as root via sudo ./gbtcr. When I had run it as an unprivileged user, and sometimes when running as root, the connect had failed with the following error: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character (84). I have no idea why the error would appear sometimes and not others whilst logged in as root, and no idea why it happens to an unprivileged user. I did find one document that had discussed the error occuring over Bluetooth networks, however it was written in Catalan and it has been a while since I have brushed up on my Catalan (and a while since Google/Altavista have brushed up on theirs as well). I may approach the Catalan Ubuntu users group (if there is one) to assist with translation.

Another funny quirk was that when the PC connected to the phone, the phone displayed the "Allow this device to access the Internet through your phone" prompt instead of the "Allow this device to use your mobile phone as a remote control" prompt that I received in the steps below for remote controlling my laptop.

I will contact Herman Vega with my findings and seek to work through the operation issues that I am having with him. I would really like to see this program running on Ubuntu. If I do have some success, I will put in some solid work on the doco for the project, then I will make this my first Ubuntu package I have created to get into the Universe repository. It is still early days..

All hope was not lost for the cause of supreme Bluetooth awesomeness. On my phone there is a Remote Control application in the Entertainment menu. It even has the Bluetooth icon next to its menu entry. Now this was a "fully sik bro"(tm) discovery. I did manage to use each of the three menu items of the Remote Control - Presenter, MediaPlayer and Desktop - pretty much what GBTcr offers is already on my phone. The Remote Control runs over the HID protocol and can be setup with these instructions (phone instructions are denoted with a ):
  • press the middle button above the directional pad
  • Bluetooth
  • Visibility
  • Show phone
  • Turn on
  • My devices
  • Add
  • select your computer and enter the pincode contained in /etc/bluetooth/pin
  • hcitool scan # to obtain the MAC address of the phone's Bluetooth adapter
  • sudo l2ping 00:12:EE:0A:0A:0A
  • return to the previous menu
  • Visibility
  • Hide phone
  • sudo hidd --server
  • sudo hidd --connect 00:12:EE:0A:0A:0A
  • "(your computer) requests to use your phone as remote control Allow?" Yes
  • "Allow connection" Always
Now this part is a little tricky, basically you have to be watching your phone screen when you attempt to connect to it to watch when the Bluetooth icon on the phone changes to display the two little blue arrows. My phone is my camera, so I cannot pictorialise this, well, I could by stealing the icon off someone else's page, but I only will if there is a demand.
  • go to Entertainment -> Remote Control and have menu ready to select which type of remote control to use
  • sudo hidd --connect 00:12:EE:0A:0A:0A
  • as soon as the Bluetooth icon changes to show the two little blue arrows on the end of the "B" - press Select on the phone and you should now be able to remote control your PC/laptop
The final result is I have two options for remote controlling my laptop using Bluetooth: GBTcr and my phone application. GBTcr needs to properly pair with my phone to allow me to access the menu. Using my phone needs me to find a solution to properly bind my phone keys to the right actions in the individual programs.

The Presenter menu in my phone worked a treat with OpenOffice2 Impress with the keymappings mostly covering all the options needed. The same went for the Desktop menu, which provided such options as ALT-TAB and a "current window <-> previous window" button. The problem was with the MediaPlayer menu.

After trying different media players such as xmms, beep-media-player, rhythmbox, totem and realplayer, I had no luck with finding a player that had matched what was being sent by the phone. Realplayer did come close, however the MP3 output is fairly terrible. I had also played with various plugins for xmms and beep-media-player, with no luck. System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts provided no help either and it also did a good job of disabling my 'P' and 'A' keys. I read up about Banshee, but I do not want mono on my low-spec laptop as I already have one bloated virtual machine (java) installed. Basically, to get it working, I need a way to map the keycodes sent by the phone (captured by running xev) when I connect my phone to the laptop.

COMPLETED - 0135 - 20060107

WEP to WPA Migration

Ever since I had purchased my SMC2835W PCMCIA card, I have been a little disappointed that the Prism54g working group did not acheive WPA and now there is a complete new focus. I am glad that they have restarted the project that had seemed to be stagnant for the end half of last year. I came across the WPAHowTo on the Ubuntu wiki and it states that wpa_supplicant -h lists the chipsets that it supports, which includes prism54. As an aside, I am not interested in getting ndiswrapper to work on my laptop for WPA, because 1. it is not Open Source and 2. it uses too much Windows stuff for my liking.

After spending hours trying to setup WPA for my wireless card, I had re-discovered that prism54 still does not support WPA and, at this point, it appears that it won't in the future either. I don't think this is a "watch this space" subject. It is somewhat disappointing as it bucks the trend in linux hardware projects which are thriving at the moment.

During the attempted WPA setup, I had came across some issues to do with the running of wpa_supplicant. The following error occurred when I first attempted to run wpa_supplicant:

error:25066067:DSO support routines:DLFCN_LOAD:could not load the shared library

This error was caused by a missing library and I have subsequently updated the WPAHowTo on the Ubuntu wiki, along with other corrections including the fact that prism54 is not supported.

COMPLETED - 1500 - 20060107

Network Setup

My trusty ADSL modem was dug up to provide the switch configuration needed for the next set of projects. My laptop will provide the uplink to the Internet via the wireless PCMCIA card. All other devices can access the Internet by using the laptop as their default gateway. As I did not wish my server to speak with anything else but my laptop and vice versa, a single crossover cable will be connected to the laptop when the need arises.

The main objective was to get everything onto the same subnet. As all devices on the subnet had static addresses, I had decided to turn off the DHCP capabilities in the ADSL modem and turn it into a pure switch. I had to initially configure the laptop's interface to access the ADSL modem to access the configuration pages. After turning off the DHCP on the ADSL modem, I also turned it off on the laptop as two of the other machines had to provide DHCP to a device on the network.

COMPLETED - 2310 - 20060107

UbuntuOnSunRay Bug Hunt

I carried out a full installation of the SunRay Server Software 3.1 on Ubuntu Breezy Badger as per the UbuntuOnSunRay page on the Ubuntu wiki. The purpose is to confirm all bugs/issues and to notify/discuss the bugs/issues encountered in order to have them resolved.

Although I have lost count of how many times I have performed the steps needed to get a working UbuntuOnSunRay/CorporateUbuntu server, I still manage to get snagged on something. Well, even though I thought I was using my mickey-mouse, no-mistakes doco, room for improvement still exists.

During the new installation, no new bugs/discussions were started as the existing bugs were reproduced and the existing bug documentation was improved. Bugs and discussions will continue to be added during the next few weeks.

COMPLETED - 1410 - 20060108

UbuntuOnSunRay Failover

The last alternative configuration of the SunRay Server Software (SRSS) that needed testing under Ubuntu was the setup of a failover group of SunRay servers. The intention was to see what advantages failover provided and to see how the failover had worked between the servers.

The preparations for setting up the failover between the servers was an interesting part of the project. I had to perform the following on either one or both of the servers to prepare them to be part of the same failover group:
  • uninstall SRSS
  • change IP address
  • change /etc/hosts file entry
  • disable LDAP authentication
  • disable NFS mounts
  • disable Automounter
  • change DHCP server settings
  • reinstall SRSS
I had managed to not only perform the above, but I had also managed to setup a failover group running on Ubuntu. I will be documenting troubleshooting steps when I break the CorporateUbuntu wiki up into smaller wikis for the serious issues with NFS and LDAP. I will also be documenting in another wiki on how to successfully change the IP address of a SunRay server.

What does a failover group provide? Not a great deal. It does not provide shared session management, meaning if one of the servers goes down, you will still lose you current session and have to login again on the new server. The only evident function a failover group seemed to do is to replicate the LDAP configuration of SRSS and to ensure that members of the failover group were serving the same versions of firmware. My $0.02: Failover - not worth it..

COMPLETED - 1720 - 20060108


The proceedings of 2006 drew to a close at the completion of the SunRay Failover project. The need for some serious packing-up music arose and was met with the loud playing of Baha Men - Who Let The Dogs Out.. The one-hit-wonder gem was followed by more early 2000s cheeze: Bomfunk MCs - Uprocking Beats, Bomfunk MCs - Freestyler and Bloodhound Gang - Bad Touch. Lucky for me was down, so my profile remains untarnished by a badly taken tangent. The end result of the energising music can be viewed below along with a belated Christmas present I had received that afternoon, a book about the humble dodo:

COMPLETED - 1840 - 20060108